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Who Is The Mind Body Disciple?

Our MissioN

The mission of The Mind-Body Disciple is to build mentally resilient “warriors” prepared to tackle life’s challenges through personal training and exercise leveraging the mind-body connection to foster a lifestyle of health, wellness, and balance.

Our Core Values

Man doing pushups at the gym in Pleasant Hill, CA

Meet Coach Brian

Man Running Up That Hill, Briones Park, Martinez, CA

As a kid I always loved athletics. After graduating college I hung up my cleats.  Instead of doing what truly made me happy, I was living my life based on the expectations of others.  The result: I became a fat, lazy, chronically fatigued, depressed, anxious, and irritable workaholic.

I was a deeply unhappy 298 lbs. couch potato.  I wasn’t unhappy because I was fat, I was fat because I was unhappy.  Imprisoned in a cubicle and too exhausted to cook a healthy meal I would try and soothe my pain with epic drive-thru hauls at Del Taco.  In the misery that was my daily life the only thing I knew for sure was I always felt better after breaking a sweat.  Exercise was my medicine.

A few years later and more than 100 lbs. lighter I know the power of the Mind-Body connection.  My body was sick and it was poisoning my mind.  The depression and anxiety were my body’s way of signaling my mind that I would die young if I didn’t re-prioritize my life.

Through discovering firsthand the power of the Mind-Body connection I have become an evangelist for all things health and wellness.  I know now that it is my duty to help others with their mental and emotional wellbeing by cleaning up their diets and getting their bodies moving.

If you correct your mind the rest of your life will fall into place” – Lao Tzu

Professional Certificate from The National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) issued to Brian Ahlering