Mind-Body Disciple Blog

Day 176: Controlling Your Inner Child and Overly Harsh Inner Parent

Synopsis about the “Change You Brain Everyday” Blog Sigmund Freud theorized that the human psyche was composed of the id, the ego, and the super ego. The id is you childlike mind void of a mature prefrontal cortex (PFC). The id has poor decision making capabilities. The ego is the the well adjusted adult, and […]

Day 176: Controlling Your Inner Child and Overly Harsh Inner Parent Read More »

Day 21: Why I Collect Seahorses

Synopsis about the “Change You Brain Everyday” Blog The hippocampus is the area of the brain that looks like a seahorse and is responsible for storing memories. It makes 700 new hippocampal stem cells everyday aka by Dr. Amen as baby seahorses. Our behaviors as well as what we eat and ingest either keeps these

Day 21: Why I Collect Seahorses Read More »

Day 175: Executive Function Time: Meet Your PFC

Synopsis about the “Change You Brain Everyday” Blog PFC stands for pre-frontal cortex and it makes up the front 1/3 of your brain. The PFC is the executive center of your brain. It is where you make decisions and where your behavior comes from. A healthy PFC is forward looking and goal oriented. An unhealthy

Day 175: Executive Function Time: Meet Your PFC Read More »

Day 20: People Get Sick or Well in Four Circles

Synopsis about the “Change You Brain Everyday” Blog The four circles are biological, psychological, social, and spiritual. If the brain were a computer, the biological circle is the hardware, the psychological is the software, social is the network connections, and spiritual is the wi-fi. Exercise: Rate your health in each of the four circles. For

Day 20: People Get Sick or Well in Four Circles Read More »

Day 174: Have you Ever Been Mobbed? I Have

Synopsis about the “Change You Brain Everyday” Blog Mobbing is when a community attacks the person who is challenging their status quo. This happened to Dr. Amen when he started brain imaging in the 1990’s. His colleagues dismissed him as a quack. More than have of people that have been mobbed developed PTSD, major depression,

Day 174: Have you Ever Been Mobbed? I Have Read More »

Day 19: You Cannot Change What You Do Not Measure

Synopsis about the “Change You Brain Everyday” Blog The health of your brain and mind is dependent on the health of your body. Think about this. If you eat junk food you have junk energy. Your brain is about 2% of you body mass but uses 20% of the bodies energy. If you have low

Day 19: You Cannot Change What You Do Not Measure Read More »

Day 173: Use Your Brain Before You Give Your Heart Away, Part 2

Synopsis about the “Change You Brain Everyday” Blog Don’t ignore your gut feelings because you are overcome with the high of new love. If you feel somewhat uneasy about a new relationship get some opinions from people you trust on the person. Chances are someone with no history with your new fling will see them

Day 173: Use Your Brain Before You Give Your Heart Away, Part 2 Read More »

Day 18: Brain Heath Becomes Automatic and Second Nature

Synopsis about the “Change You Brain Everyday” Blog Everyone has job and family distractions. Everyone is busy. If you are serious about brain health you need to make it a priority. Soon enough brain health will become routine. What does routine look like? Exercise: What are three ways your life will be better if you

Day 18: Brain Heath Becomes Automatic and Second Nature Read More »

Day 172: Use Your Brain Before You Give Your Heart Away, Part 1

Synopsis about the “Change You Brain Everyday” Blog Love can have huge positive implications or it can have huge negative complications. Falling in love releases so many feel good chemicals it can cause us to be blind to red flags. Exercise: When you fell in love with the wrong person how did your gut instinct

Day 172: Use Your Brain Before You Give Your Heart Away, Part 1 Read More »

Day 17: Develop a Healthy Rhythm

Synopsis about the “Change You Brain Everyday” Blog With consistency new practices begin to become habits. People with unhealthy habits may criticize your attempts to get better but the more you notice all the brain dysfunctions around you your conviction will grow. Your brain healthy routine will become second nature and mistakes rare. Exercise: Answer

Day 17: Develop a Healthy Rhythm Read More »