Home » Brain Blog » Day 25: The Good Ruler vs. Evil Ruler Strategies to Create and End Mental Illness: Biological

Day 25: The Good Ruler vs. Evil Ruler Strategies to Create and End Mental Illness: Biological


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The idea of this chapter is that an evil ruler would promote unhealthy activities while a good ruler would promote healthy ones. The evil ruler would target the biological sphere of mental illness by encouraging behaviors to keep us tired and sick. Examples the evil ruler might do is put fast food restaurants everywhere and make the public confused about inexpensive supplementation. They might even promote a sickcare system that will only treat you once you are sick enough. On the other hand the good ruler would promote brain and health education in school, churches, businesses, and senior centers. A good ruler would also create a healthcare system focued on preventing disease.

pfizer, toluca, business, evil ruler

Exercise: Do you behaviors in the biological circle support your health or cause harm to you brain and others brains?

My behaviors support my health in the biological sphere.

Broken record time. The one main behavior I need to correct is my sleeping habits. I’ve decided to prioritize sleep by not scheduling appointments in the morning. I actually almost slipped up and scheduled a 7AM appointment this Friday. I was looking for networking events to attend and having trouble finding a good one.

I finally found one that would be good enough. I was halfway done registering for it before I remembered my no morning meetings rule. Nonetheless I still wanted to sign up for it. Then I realized that I was essentially signing up for it just to convince myself I was staying busy networking. If I loved the group then I’d be making a weekly 7 AM commitment.

As someone that has woken up at 5 AM for years this should be child’s play. The fact of the matter is probably most days 7AM would not be a problem, but there will be other days that getting up at 7 AM will cause me severe sleep debt. I need to plan for the reasonable likely worst case. When I make my plans around everything working out perfectly I set myself up for anxiety.

Author – Coach Brian

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