Home » Brain Blog » Day 164: When Relationships Struggle, Think of the Brain

Day 164: When Relationships Struggle, Think of the Brain


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This chapter has an anecdote about a married couple very close to divorce. As a last ditch effort from their counselor they were referred to Dr. Amen. When Dr. Amen scanned their brains hers was normal and his looked like a drug users. The husband and wife both agreed that the husband was not doing drugs. Upon further investigation Dr. Amen discovered that the husband worked at a furniture factory. All day long he was breathing wood finishing toxins and that is what was hurting his brain. The husband got transferred to a job with less exposure and started a brain recovery program. With his improved brain this couple was able to save their marriage.

smoke filled with toxins

Exercise: If you know someone that has a relationship problem tell them that toxins can damage the brain leading to abonormal behavior. Suggest they get evaluated for it.

Will do. I’ll keep an eye peeled for people in my circle with relationship problems and be sure to let them know about this chapter, anecdote, and toxins effects on behavior.

Author – Coach Brian

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