Home » Brain Blog » Day 180: Crime, Treatment, and Punishment

Day 180: Crime, Treatment, and Punishment


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Damage to the PFC can cause anger issues, poor planning, and impulse control. In this chapter a man with damage to his PFC murdered his neighbor of a dispute over some trees.

Photo of a Man Sitting while Holding Newspaper

Exercise: Read the news and see if you detect evil behavior in an event. Consider what type of brain problem could have contributed to it.

No thanks. I don’t have to read the news to spot brain problems. I see them everyday when I drive. I see a lot of impatient people and irrational risks taken. My favorite is there is a spot by my house where it is not uncommon for someone to cross the double yellow lines to get past my vehicle in the early morning hours. They’ll do this around a coroner and break the speed limit by 20 mph and then sit at a red signal with zero cars passing through it for 2 minutes.

Its simply childish and irrational. Based on the fact that it is childish that means that the person is probably acting through their id. As we learned on Day 176 the id is overactive when the PFC is underactive.

I really thought I was going to have difficulty assigning a stupid behavior to a brain region but this fits. Its a childlike and impulsive behavior. They are not passing me because they are in a rush to get somewhere as evidenced by them waiting at the light. Its simply an impulse because I upset them by daring to be on the same road as them

Author – Coach Brian

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