Home » Brain Blog » Day 16: Getting Started Can Feel Hard

Day 16: Getting Started Can Feel Hard


about the “Change You Brain Everyday” Blog

Most everyone who has tried to take up a new skill like paying a musical instrument or trying a new athletic technique has at one time had the feeling that they would never master the new skill. With practice these new skills become second nature. The brain needs to establish new neural pathways and grow. This requires an adjustment period.

Implementing the tools discussed in this book requires the same adjustment and learning period. For the first 3 months be easy on yourself. Baby steps are progress. For some your tastes will change in less than 30 days. For others it will take a little longer. Change your outlook from quick results to long lasting lifestyle changes.

plant growing in a light bulb symbolizing a groth mindset

Exercise: What one decision can you make for brain health?

As I’ve already mentioned my biggest struggle is consistent sleep. I wouldn’t say that all. I would say make struggles aren’t for lack of trying.

Taking a hard look at myself though there are ways in which I have been self sabotaging my sleep. I have always needed the noise of the TV on in the background to feel comfortable sleeping. I think there is something psychological I need to work through here but that is a topic for another day. The point is I know that the blue light disrupts sleep patterns but I’ve been justifying needing it to fall asleep. I know its a crutch, and if I give it time I won’t need it anymore.

So that is what I’m going to do. I’m going to discontinue use of the TV as a sleep therapy. I actually stated 2 nights ago. I also started putting my phone on airplane mode before going to bed. This suggestion came from Tim over at the Human Optimization Center in Walnut Creek. Do yourself a favor and stop by and talk to him next time your are passing by the center near the Pleasant Hill BART. He’s brilliant!

Over the last two nights my sleep duration hasn’t been any longer but my sleep quality was definitely better. I’m gonna stick it out and one of these days, maybe, just maybe I’ll sleep like a normy.

Author – Coach Brian

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