about the “Change You Brain Everyday” Blog
What you really mean is “I love you with all my brain.” Your brain controls all functions of you body. Eating, breathing, loving, etc. Your relationships will improve the better your brain gets.

Exercise: What issues are most persistant in your most important relationships? How might your brain health be a facotr in those problems?
The biggest issue that keeps coming up with me is lack of respect. While people tell me they love me their actions and/or sub-text show me that they do not care about what makes me happy. They pretend that they are scrutinizing the decisions I make out of care for me. What is really going on is that they undermine what makes me happy in favor of what would make them happy if they were in my shoes.
These people do not get that I am not them. The stupid shit that makes them happy and is driving them to an early grave is not for me. I have people constantly giving me health advice and life advice that will literally make me less healthy. They would rather me be a miserable cog in the machine than a happy individual.
My brain health plays a role in this because the more unhealthy my brain the more I fixate on this issue. The healthier my brain is the better I am able to let it roll off my back. I almost did it just now. I almost got fixated on trying to explain why the trivial stuff that they care about is not for me. It doesn’t need to be dissected. It makes them happy, it doesn’t make me happy. If they need to know more than that they can go…
Author – Coach Brian