Home » Brain Blog » Day 177: The Two Most Important Words for Brain Health: Then What?

Day 177: The Two Most Important Words for Brain Health: Then What?


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As discussed in the last few chapters a damaged PFC (pre-frontal cortex) can lead to poor decision making skills. In this chapter Dr. Amen was able to help a serial cheater with PFC issues hold his marriage together. He did this by getting his patient Jose to ask himself “Then what?” before reacting to something or making a decision. This seems so simply but what I gather is that it helps with impulsivity. By stopping to ask yourself “Then what?” you are looking out for future you. This is a shift from the childlike id to the mature ego.

Hands Holding Banner with Question then what?

Exercise: Play Clay walkers song “Then what” then post the words where you can see them everyday.


I think this is really great advice for me. I get better and better with each coming day but I don’t always pass the tests that life throws my way.

Seldom times is something brilliant done when reacting emotionally. It like you’ve probably heard before about giving someone a piece of your mind. Write it down and wait 24 hours before you send it. I’ve done this and I never end up sending it.

It is therapeutic to get it out of the system. Often times 24 hours later everything you have written is still true. If it comes from an angry place true or not it doesn’t lead to a solution. Just like with killing ANTs this is a tool I can see helping me on a daily basis.

If I send this text “Then what?” We’ll justified or not I probably sound like a jerk and the person I’m trying to influence digs there heels in. I guess I won’t hit send then.

Author – Coach Brian

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