Home » Brain Blog » Day 23: Why I Collect Penguins

Day 23: Why I Collect Penguins


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People crave attention…even if it is negative attention. Particularly when there is an uneven power dynamic to often we give attention in the form of disciple instead of praise. Dr. Amen collects penguins as a reminder of the epiphany he had when talking to a penguin trainer. He asked the trainer how she got Freddy the penguin to behave so well. She told him that she praises Freddy with a treat or attention every time he does what she asks. The moral of the chapter is spend more time telling people what you admire about them than about their flaws.

king penguin, positive penguin, bird, positivity

Exercise: Notice something you like about one or two people in your life today and do this as often as you can going forward

This book is full of great advice! Negativity is contagious. So is positivity!

I will make it a point two point out two things I like about someone for every flaw I point out. To be clear, I don’t go around telling people that I think they are flawed. That said we all pass judgements in out heads about people. Every time this happens I will think about 2 characteristics the have that are great.

I’m thinking about two people right now. One of them has a magnetic personality and an incredibly warm demeanor. The other is a good listener and is very encouraging.

It feels goods to fill the old flesh computer with positivity 🙂

Author – Coach Brian

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