about the “Change You Brain Everyday” Blog
In one word distractions. The chapter reviews a Canadian study where groups gambling men were shown pictures of women while playing cards. One group was shown attractive woman and the other less attractive woman. The men shown the attractive women were less lost more money than the other group. The conclusion was that when men become distracted they become more impulsive and discount the future.

Exercise: Identify the times you have made impulsive choices or decisions you regretted. Which of your lifestyle choices may have played a role?
I can’t really think of any over the top impulsive decisions I have made. I’m a chronically poor decision maker. Its that I over analyze and procrastinate until a decision has to be be made by an impeding deadline.
A good example I can come up with actually has to do with Vegas. I waited until the night before my brothers bachelor party in Las Vegas to book a flight. As a result the ticket cost was like $450 or something and I had to drive to a distant airport. I was never not going to go to my brothers bachelor party. I just put off buying the ticket for whatever reason.
So its not really that my decisions are impulsive, but I always leave myself an out. I don’t know what that is about. I think it would be commonly referred to as commitment issues. The thing is I’m a man of my word. If I say I’m going to do something I will do it. So once I commit I’m all in. I just drag my feet on the commitment part.
As far as lifestyle choices the best I can come up with is being a procrastinator and or waiting for the perfect time. I guess I’m afraid that if I plan something too far in advance then “the opportunity of a lifetime” might come up conflicting with a vacation. Meanwhile I’m putting my life on hold with the dream that “the opportunity of a lifetime” will allow me to better live my life.
Author – Coach Brian