about the “Change You Brain Everyday” Blog
Butterflies are a symbol of transformation. Be following the lessons of brain health people transform both mentally and physically.

Exercise: Spend some time reflecting on these spiritual questions.
WOW! These are some pretty heavy questions. Lets see what I’ve got.
What is the meaning of my life?
The meaning of my life is to come to the true understanding that we are all the same. We are all just one individualized part of the greater picture. I’ve heard it explained as our identities being like a single drop of ocean mist. For a brief moment in time it expresses itself as an individual before being absorbed back into the infinite single ocean.
I’ve have bouts of treating everyone as if they are just a different expression of myself. The meaning of my life is to make this way of thinking the rule and not the acceptation.
Love your neighbor like they are yourself.
Where do I find purpose?
I find purpose running hills. Running hills gets me out of my own mind and connects me with the infinite wisdom. The pain that I have to endure to conquer a hill puts me in a sort of disassociated state. Its kinda like in a dream…but not as intense. I have dreams all the time where I’m 1000 times more creative than my waking self. I have dreams with such sophisticated plot lines I could never write them myself. Its more like I’m watching a movie than thinking one up. This is kinda what its like on the hill. You simply are a consumer of inspiration and not an author of your life.
When I’m putting myself through that much pain it makes my priorities so much clearer. That grudge that I’m holding onto, or that slight by a stranger is unimportant shit. In fact I feel bad for the stranger that slighted me. I wonder what is paining them in their life that they would take it out on such a nice guy like me.
Why am I here?
I’m here to learn that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
What do I value most in life?
I value integrity. Do what you say.
Where do I put my faith?
I put my faith in they Holy Spirit. There is a creator and creator communicates with us through people and nature. Going back to intuition or gut feeling there is a reason why your gut feeling is usually right. The more you can tune into the whisper of the gut the feeling the more you realize it is the universe shouting at you.
What role does faith play in my life?
It needs to play a bigger one. I’m analytical and stubborn. I’m a closet control freak. The more I realize that I’m a passenger and not the driver the easier life gets. Ride the swell.
How am I connected to people from the past and the future?
We’ll we are all connected. Exactly to what extent I do not know. I read a book called “Memories of Heaven.” I’ve linked a review I’ve written on the book. That books has got my seriously pondering the idea that the people from my past and future are all here in the present. All the more reason to not take out your frustrations on the telephone customer service rep. It might just be someone special to you.
What is my connection to Earth?
Earth is where I live but it is not my home.
Author – Coach Brian