Home » Brain Blog » Day 18: Brain Heath Becomes Automatic and Second Nature

Day 18: Brain Heath Becomes Automatic and Second Nature


about the “Change You Brain Everyday” Blog

Everyone has job and family distractions. Everyone is busy. If you are serious about brain health you need to make it a priority. Soon enough brain health will become routine. What does routine look like?

  1. You check your blood pressure when you’re at the pharmacy
  2. You are discovering new nutrient dense foods and cooking techniques
  3. You take vitamins daily
  4. You start feeling guilty if you are in danger of breaking routine
  5. You evangelize brain health
  6. You choose healthy desserts
  7. You save your bread for the end of a meal
  8. You turn down brain harming activities without thinking twice
organic nutrient dense foods

Exercise: What are three ways your life will be better if you get to the automatic phase of brain health habits

I’ve been at this for about 6 months so I will tell you about 3 ways that this book has made my brain healthier

Food Quality and Nutrient Density

I’ve started eating all organic foods and added supplements. By optimizing for nutrient density I actually eat less but have more energy. Since my brain is working off of top grade nutrient dense fuel it just runs better on less. My body is only processing usable nutrients and doesn’t need to waste resources on processing garbage. It’s like filling your car with premium instead of regular. You might not notice on day one but the benefits are clear over time.

I Don’t Snack or Get Cravings

Because I’m fueling correctly I don’t need to eat between meals. I used to always have an emergency granola bar on me at all times. Those days are in the past. The benefit is I don’t get hangry. I was like those snickers commercials. When I was hungry I wasn’t myself. It wasn’t obvious to others all the time but my patience was down. I’m much more friendly when I’m patient.

My Communication Skills are Better

Related to what I mentioned in the previous section I’m a better listener when I’m well feed. Good communication is about being a good listener. If I’m not patient I’m not a good listener.

Also with my brain just being crisper I don’t have to search for the right words or references as much. This makes conversation smoother and it also helps with empathy. When I’m a patient and good listeners it is easier to put yourself in someone else’s shoes. When you can mentally walk a mile in someone else’s shoes you see the world in a whole new light.

Author – Coach Brian

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