Home » Brain Blog » Day 11: Unchained from the Shackles of Failure

Day 11: Unchained from the Shackles of Failure


about the “Change You Brain Everyday” Blog

Dr. Amen review on of his cases with a juvenile delinquent as his client. When Dr. Amen started with him he was in shackles. When he was done with him he was a contributing member of society and an eventual Army Ranger.


Exercise: What could a better brain help yu do better and more effectively?

A healthier brain could help me plan my day better. I always underestimate the amount of time it takes to do something. Because I underestimate the amount of time things take I end up trying to do too many things.

When I put too much on my plate it has a negative effect in a few ways. First off I feel rushed. When I feel rushed I’m not chill. I’m just way better at things when I’m chill. Secondly I either get everything done but don’t have any me time or I feel like a failure for having not gotten everything done.

That’s probably really where the problem lies. I feel good and accomplished when my schedule is jam packed and I get everything done. The problem is its not sustainable. I don’t schedule in time R&R for myself and that’s what I need to do. Its not that I never get R&R or do things I like, but I don’t prioritize them the way I should.

Author – Coach Brian

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