about the “Change You Brain Everyday” Blog
Dr. Amen was getting stressed out over a particularly difficult married couple. After 9 months he wanted to give up. He almost suggested to them they should get divorced. As a last ditch effort he decided to scan their brains. The scans showed that she had a tendency to get stuck on negative thoughts and his showed that he had conflict seeking behavior. Dr. Amen was able to prescribe some drugs that helped calm down the overactive areas of their brains. He was able to save their marriage after even he wanted to give up.
Exercise: If you and your significant other struggle with conflict Identify one thing you do that contributes to the problem and somehting you can do to change that.
I probably always need to get in the last word. Its not as much about getting in my 2 cents as about correcting things I believe to be incorrect. So really digging in here that is probably more of my problem. I’m fixated on the accuracy of stories even when the details are immaterial.
I think it has to do with how I was educated. My English teachers always wanted us to be very detailed. They said write as if you were giving instructions to someone half way around the world and they would not have a chance to talk to you. This may be effective if you are writing a novel. For everyday life it can be annoying. I often pause when I’m talking because I’m looking for the perfect words. This looks like a lack of confidence but that’s not what it is. It is me trying to be specific.
Prose is not like that. If you ever read the transcript of a conversation a lot of times it doesn’t make any sense. Often times we say the wrong word or use fragment sentences. This would get you a D+ on a paper but so much of communication is non-verbal. I need to lighten up on the specifics.
Bringing this full circle I sometimes feel the need to get in that last word for accuracy sake. I need to stop being so anally retentive about details and focus on the big picture.
Author – Coach Brian