about the “Change You Brain Everyday” Blog
The big food companies stock the shelves with toxic edible substances masquerading as food. The news media bombards us with negative stories and imagery. If you want to keep your brain health you have to be diligent. Tech companies steal your attention with distracting gadgets. The sickcare system. Our society is getting sicker both mentally and physically. If we change our perspective we can recover. Most illnesses are really just symptoms of not taking care of our brains and diet. You have to be a “brain warrior” to beat the temptations of modern society.

Exercise: Look around you to see what influences are helping or hurting your mind.
This is a tough question. While I don’t watch a lot of news I think this is something that increases my negativity.
When I do watch the news it is purely for entertainment. I rarely get any actionable information from the news. It just gives me a window into all of the crazy ideas out there. I get some laughs. Those laughs however are almost always at someone that I think is a radical because of lack of critical thinking skills. I should be seeing these people as my brothers and sisters but when viewed through a screen they seem more like my enemies.
My enemies should not be amongst my brothers and sisters. The war for my brain isn’t waged by citizens, its waged by the fiduciary duty of corporations. Our system of public trading is set up so that public corporations are legally obligated to put shareholder profits over the good of the community. One of the most nefarious ways this plays out is in our “healthcare” sickcare system. Make no mistake, while many hospitals are not-for-profit they are still business designed to extract wealth. Do you see a lot of doctors or hospital administrators driving 15 year old Prius’.
The helthcare system has figured out that curing people is not the best business plan. If your duty is so maximize the bottom line of your organization you need return customers.
As comedian philosopher Chris Rock put in in his 1999 comedy special Bigger and Blacker my problem with doctors is “…they don’t cure nothing…cause ain’t no money in the cure. The money’s in the medicine. That’s how you get paid. On the come back.”
Author – Coach Brian