about the “Change You Brain Everyday” Blog
New love is like cocaine and people can actually get addicted to it. This can actually lead to breakups because of the lure of the newness of new love. Lasting love is life a drug to but a less addictive one. It brings on calm hippieness vs jittery excitement.

Exercise: Remember the last time you fell in love. How did you brain act in the begining? Later in the relationship how was your brain’s reaction different?
Early on there was definitely a feeling of infatuation. The feeling like nothing else matters but that person. She takes up a lot of real estate in my mind and I am constantly thinking about her or how she would react or what she would say.
As comfort grows and she is more important to me the feelings switch from infatuation to partnership. Its like we are a team. It’s a comfort in knowing that I have someone to relate to and share my day with. The feeling in the beginning in a way is a little more selfish. It is about how she makes me feel.
As we grow closer together it is more selfless. It is not about impressing or trying to get her to like me. Its teamwork. Its about working together to make sure that we are both happy and taken care of.
Author – Coach Brian