about the “Change You Brain Everyday” Blog
A Sheepdog undergoes extensive training to protect their flock from danger. They will fight to protect their subjects. Sheep are meek followers. They will follow even to there own detriment. They run from danger instead of fighting it. Wolf’s pray on the weakest sheep and will avoid sheepdogs. Wolf’s aren’t looking for a fight. They search out an easy target.
Big food is the wolf, the majority of the public are the sheep, and you can find some of the sheepdogs in the Walnut Creek Wellness Alliance.

Exercise: List a few people who need you to be thier sheepdog
Oh so many people need me to be their sheepdog. I think I’ve mentioned how I generally want to keep names out of this blog if those people could end up feeling defensive.
With that I’ll just call out an entire generation. I think the baby boomers need me to be their sheepdog. They grew in a time of unprecedented prosperity and optimism. With this prosperity came a blind trust in the system. If the government said it was good for you, its good for you. If its FDA approved there is no way that a product could be bad for you. Why would a corporation want to keep me alive but sick at the same time. Corporation’s have lead to my prosperity.
These are the thoughts of the generation. They haven’t opened up their eyes to notice that there children are not thriving like they did. They have the most physically and mentally sick children in the history of this country. Because we have all this flashy gadgetry they are too distracted to notice.
They think we live on the time of the Jetsons. I feel like I’m the only one that has noticed that there has not been a major technological breakthrough since nuclear energy. Are TVs have gotten more and our radio (cell) signals stronger but that’s it. The only thing that has materially changed is the internet and what kind of breakthrough was that. The internet is like a hammer. It is a tool that can be used to create great things or you can hit yourself in the head with it.
You could use it to see investigate all the poison that is in or food supply, or you could watch Instagram videos all day. The baby boomers grew up in such a soft time that they gave all their trust to their enemy. Worse than that they taught their to trust their enemy too. While they are older and think they are wiser, the baby boomer generation is in desperate need of a sheepdog.
The below song has a viewer discretion advised warning on it. It is literally the only YouTube video I have ever seen this on. The video is a still picture of the album cover and the song has one cuss word in it. I wonder what about this song could warrant such a strong warning from those that have my best interest in mind?
Author – Coach Brian