Home » Brain Blog » Day 19: You Cannot Change What You Do Not Measure

Day 19: You Cannot Change What You Do Not Measure


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The health of your brain and mind is dependent on the health of your body. Think about this. If you eat junk food you have junk energy. Your brain is about 2% of you body mass but uses 20% of the bodies energy. If you have low energy how do you think the effects your brain. Dr. Amen has listed the 12 health metrics that you should ask your doctor to test you for.

blood test kit

Exercise: Contact your health provider to schedule lab tests to measure these important health numbers

I called my health provider to schedule these tests. They would not order all the tests for me. I did get most of them completed though.

I actually had to get my tests on 2 separate occasions. My doctor ordered a blood panel for me. I made the mistake of thinking that all of these 12 tests were pretty standard. The first blood panel only had about 4 of these test taken care of. I had to visit my doctor to discuss these results and then I gave him a list of the remaining tests from this chapter.

My doctor didn’t know what some of the tests were and others were not available to him. He did order the tests he was allowed to for me but did so reluctantly. He actually tried to talk me out of them by explaining the dangers of false negatives. What he said made just enough sense that most people would drop it so I did. I didn’t argue for augments sake but what he told me was clearly the narrative that he was taught to avoid having to pay for too many tests.

At all my tests came back in the good ranges so I guess I’m perfect 😉

Author – Coach Brian

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