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Day 5: Brain Envy Is the First Step


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The author tells a short story about when he was 37 years old and scanned his mothers brain. She was 60 years old and her brain scan was much healthier than his. Her brain looked young for her age and his old for his age. He attributes her proficiency as a wife, mother grandmother, and scratch golfer to her brain healthy habits. On the other hand he points to activities like high school football, poor sleeping habits, fast food, and high stress for his older looking brain. He was jealous of his mothers younger looking brain and vowed to get a brain like hers.

The point of the story is that if you are going to have a health brain, you must first want a healthy brain. The author assumed his brain was healthy until he saw how much better his mom’s brain was an got envious. This caused him to make some serious lifestyle changes. Decades later his brain actually looks younger today than it did when he got his wake up call.

brain envy love letter

Exercise: Write a love letter to your brain. Even a short text will do.

Dear Brain,

I know that I haven’t always treated you well. I’ve taken you for granted. I’ve always assumed that since you were born with such great strength that you could take care of yourself.

I did not stop to think that the great strength which you arrived in this would should be nourished. Instead of exercising you to develop strength I put you through swell after swell to test your strength. You did swell. You never gave up or caved in. That said you did not deserve the tests. While you survived I did not put you in an environment to thrive.

For this I am sorry but I vow to be better. I love you. Everything I have is because of you. You have made me look good in the classroom, on the ball field, and you continue to push me harder than anyone else. You are the only one that is truly in my foxhole. Everyone else wants me to settle for being mediocre but you push me to be my best.

You have shown me that true happiness lies in living up to our potential and not chasing the material world. Everything material comes and goes but you are so much more valuable than any of that. I can be reduced to rubble over and over but as long as I love and take care of you I know we will rise like the phoenix.

Author – Coach Brian

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