Home » Brain Blog » Day 6: Doug Falls in Love with His Brain

Day 6: Doug Falls in Love with His Brain


about the “Change You Brain Everyday” Blog

We rarely think about brain health like we do other types of diseases and ailments because we can’t peer into our skulls and see our brains. The first time Doug saw his brain he fell in love with it. Like a sickly dog at the shelter it wasn’t having its best day but that made Doug want to take care of his brain.

Doug had developed severe brain fog do to a history of mold and pesticides exposure and concussions from martial arts. Doug improved his diet, took a multi-vitamin, omega-3s, a brain boosting supplement, and started hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Doug started feeling better in a few days with huge improvements in 3 months. Though diet, supplementation, and oxygen therapy Doug improved his energy, endurance, mood, and memory.


Exercise: Meditate on this question: Do you love your brain like you love the important people in your life? If not why not?

I do love my brain. In fact I wrote a love letter to my brain just yesterday.

While I do love my brain like I love the important people in my life I sometimes fall short. I cave into temptations like sugary drinks and junk food. I need to do a better job of asking myself “Is this good for my brain” when I press something to my lips. I’ve been pretty good at eating healthy foods and avoiding unhealthy ones. With that said I need to add the word “brain” before healthy as a constant reminder as to why eating right is important.

I know if I have one cheat meal then I’m not going to gain 5 lbs. One cheat meal however can start a negative feedback loop that leads to more unhealthy brain decisions. For me to do a better job loving my brain I need to spend more time thinking about brain healthy habits. I need to work on my brain just as much as I work on my basketball skills and jumping abilities.

Author – Coach Brian

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